Version 2024.2.167 released – Highlights: MaxDiff & machine readable excel exports implemented

New Feature

  • DD-4735 MaxDiff (count + aggregate logit) implemented
  • DD-4692 Machine readable Excel exports can be defined in the report settings


  • DD-4745 Chart type „Driver analysis“ renamed to „Advanced statistics“


  • DD-4506 Data export from Exasol does not create additional row numbers anymore
  • DD-4713 Entering a servicelink does not change the URL anymore
  • DD-4725 Database columns can be renamed in Exasol
  • DD-4734 Cache improvement: individual filters / stacks of a question are cached

Version 2024.2.166 released – Highlights: chi-square test of independence implemented, performance optimizations

New Feature

  • DD-4584 Available licenses are shown in backend
  • DD-4728 New significance test implemented: Chi-square (test of independence)


  • DD-4727 Significance tests renamed and implemented in PHP
  • DD-4731 Mean variables are only shown if mean values are to be displayed
  • DD-4732 Cache optimization
  • DD-4733 SQL queries with apostrophes are escaped

Version 2024.2.165 released – Highlights: style of dropdown filters can be defined in backend, exports for driver analysis / linear regressions improved


  • DD-4704 The style of dropdown filters and their labels can be defined in the content backend centrally
  • DD-4718 Export of regression/driver analysis chart: pie and excel export show the percent values of the predictors
  • DD-4719 Export of regression/driver analysis chart: pie shows the pie chart as in the dashboard
  • DD-4720 Export of regression/driver analysis chart: column shows the column chart as in the dashboard
  • DD-4724 Regression / driver analysis: relative importance is limited to 20 predictors


  • DD-2301 Report editor tab does not have a border anymore
  • DD-4656 At the end of the preview columns in datasources, the navigation arrow is disabled
  • DD-4658 PPTX export: axes are exported in the same way as defined in the chart settings (all, one, or none)
  • DD-4712 Changing chart titles is possible with caching activated
  • DD-4721 Archived reports can be unarchived

Version 2024.2.164 released – Highlights: native ppt export of polarity charts, relative importance visualization improved

New Feature

  • DD-4711 Native PowerPoint export of polarity charts implemented


  • DD-4710 Pie chart of relative importance regressions display the absolute individual contribution of each predictor (not scaled to 100%)


  • DD-4697 Defining two time variables does not create a „column not found“ error in timeline charts anymore
  • DD-4693 PPT export of open text charts now works consistently
  • DD-4706 Data export error fixed
  • DD-4707 Timelines do not show syntax error anymore
  • DD-4714 Merged tables with subfilters show all rows
  • DD-4715 Label update also works with suffix tables in Exasol

Version 2024.2.163 released – Highlights: cross-tables & ANOVA implementation, driver analysis / linear regression improvements

New Feature

  • DD-4672 Table charts now support flexible cross tables: it is possible to add grand totals in different metrics
  • DD-4696 Visualization for driver analysis is implemented
  • DD-4698 PPT Export for cross tables implemented
  • DD-4701 One-factorial ANOVA implemented
  • DD-4702 Driver analysis features extended


  • DD-4689 Data preview before an upload displays a limited number of columns


  • DD-4628 When projects/reports are copied, chart settings are taken over (but are independent of the original project)
  • DD-4691 Updating labels does not work in projects with joined data sources
  • DD-4703 Asterisk table suffix is working properly also with weighted data

Version 2024.2.162 released – Highlights: new options to match data and weight tables, excel export of open text charts implemented

New Feature

  • DD-4684 It is possible to define key variables to join weight table with other datasources separately for each weight variable
  • DD-4648 Excel export of open text charts implemented


  • DD-4637 Timeline charts with different lines from a benchmark filter export all lines to ppt
  • DD-4655 PowerPoint export of scatterplot and XY bubble chart does not provoke an error anymore
  • DD-4662 Files uploaded in media are displayed after instance update
  • DD-4652 Break filters from datasources with suffix work
  • DD-4677 Multiple break filters from different data sources are correctly applied to charts

Version 2024.2.161 released – Highlights: codebook view online available, dropdown menus have a pagination


  • DD-4650 Update button enabled per default
  • DD-4651 Online codebook view enabled per default


  • DD-4630 In amcharts4, colors defined for filters are correctly applied to the chart
  • DD-4638 Guest export setting is saved in report editor, guests can export public reports
  • DD-4644 Search fields consistently display a pagination if there are more than 10 entries
  • DD-4646 The logo of projects can be changed on the app instance
  • DD-4647 ppt-export of open text charts working correctly
  • DD-4660 Excel codebook: column names are correctly maintained during up-/ and download

Version 2024.2.160 released – Highlights: weight tables can be joined by multiple columns, datasource view can be modified, viewers cannot delete textboxes

New Feature

  • DD-4617 Viewers cannot delete textboxes when „chart close“ is defined as hidden interface element in their access profile
  • DD-4632 Weight table can now be joined by multiple columns


  • DD-4600 Chart settings: the colors of the selected color scheme is consistently available in the color preview
  • DD-4619 The datasource view can be adjusted to show a specific number of columns


  • DD-4562 Deleting filtered rows in Exasol data sources works
  • DD-4588 Deleting variables in Exasol data sources works
  • DD-4603 Target group definition: values in the search function and the dropdown are displayed only once
  • DD-4621 Embed code for reports generated correctly
  • DD-4626 When projects are copied, action titles and subtitles are independent of the original project
  • DD-4629 Deleting static dashboard filters are removed correctly again by clicking on the x
  • DD-4634 Copying a datasource multiple times works on Exasol
  • DD-4645 Search fields: the search function displays search results also when a value is already selected
  • DD-4649 Exporting multistack charts as timelines exports one line per value

Version 2024.1.159 released – Highlights: New chart type gauge chart, calculation variables usable as dashboard filters, option to sort by different variable, definition of missing values imported from sav files

New Feature

  • DD-503 New chart type gauge implemented
  • DD-4555 The definition of missing values on variable level in a sav file is taken over to the codebook during codebook generation (and the value is deactivated by default)
  • DD-4585 It is now possible to sort charts by the values of a different variable
  • DD-4599 Calculation variables can be used as dashboard filters
  • DD-4615 Additional metric for multistack added: reverse difference (first-last segment)


  • DD-4489 Improved search field applied to changing the question and selecting the sorting variable of a chart
  • DD-4490 Report settings: filter dropdown improved
  • DD-4547 Search fields in the report settings streamlined and pagination possible
  • DD-4591 When (re-)generating a codebook, textboxes are kept in the project
  • DD-4595 Codebook editor: subfolders are indented
  • DD-4597 Codebook editor: „Add folder“ button at the top of the codebook editor added
  • DD-4598 Codebook editor: mouseover added to „activate/deactivate“ slider
  • DD-4601 Mouseover option „never on“: no mouseover is displayed in any chart
  • DD-4616 Codebook editor: newly created variables are also placed on the correct level in the excel codebook export


  • DD-4581 In the target group definition valid dropdown options are created for all variables
  • DD-4582 Reports are properly deleted again
  • DD-4611 Copying reports with hidden graph elements works seamlessly
  • DD-4624 Codebook script: Underscores (_) are not treated as placeholders
  • DD-4625 Value of calculation variable displayed in dashboard dropdown menu

Version 2024.1.158 released – Highlights: New option in codebook script, performance optimization in the report dropdown filter editor

New Feature

  • DD-4574 Codebook script: it is now possible to create formula categories


  • DD-4504 Create one reusable search field and apply it to all search fields
  • DD-4560 Wording in search field for unique_ID shortened
  • DD-4583 Performance optimization of the report dropdown filter editor


  • DD-4315 Mouseovers consistently do not display when switched off in backend
  • DD-4523 Single chart pdf export for radial, bubble etc. working as intended
  • DD-4557 Clicking on „create target group“ automatically opens filter menu
  • DD-4558 „Show navigation on home page“ button works correctly
  • DD-4561 Report without owner does not create an error message anymore and the report navigation is displayed correctly
  • DD-4563 Excel export for multiring now works
  • DD-4573 PDF export of single charts working for all chart types