Version 2024.2.168 released – Highlights: powerpoint exports more flexible, sorting of open text charts by a different variable (e.g. timestamp)


  • DD-3970 PPTX export: axis scale ranges are exported as defined in chart settings
  • DD-4752 PPTX export: when axis or axis labels are deactivated in the chartsettings, they are not exported to ppt
  • DD-4775 Open text charts can be sorted by a different variable


  • DD-4726 Default value for axes display in chart settings is „value axis“
  • DD-4750 PPT export definition (JSON): „valueAxis“:false overrides the chart settings
  • DD-4765 Exporting a switched axes table with subfilters to Excel works
  • DD-4768 It is now possible to turn to the next page in the charttype „open text“ in Exasol