Version 2024.1.159 released – Highlights: New chart type gauge chart, calculation variables usable as dashboard filters, option to sort by different variable, definition of missing values imported from sav files

New Feature

  • DD-503 New chart type gauge implemented
  • DD-4555 The definition of missing values on variable level in a sav file is taken over to the codebook during codebook generation (and the value is deactivated by default)
  • DD-4585 It is now possible to sort charts by the values of a different variable
  • DD-4599 Calculation variables can be used as dashboard filters
  • DD-4615 Additional metric for multistack added: reverse difference (first-last segment)


  • DD-4489 Improved search field applied to changing the question and selecting the sorting variable of a chart
  • DD-4490 Report settings: filter dropdown improved
  • DD-4547 Search fields in the report settings streamlined and pagination possible
  • DD-4591 When (re-)generating a codebook, textboxes are kept in the project
  • DD-4595 Codebook editor: subfolders are indented
  • DD-4597 Codebook editor: „Add folder“ button at the top of the codebook editor added
  • DD-4598 Codebook editor: mouseover added to „activate/deactivate“ slider
  • DD-4601 Mouseover option „never on“: no mouseover is displayed in any chart
  • DD-4616 Codebook editor: newly created variables are also placed on the correct level in the excel codebook export


  • DD-4581 In the target group definition valid dropdown options are created for all variables
  • DD-4582 Reports are properly deleted again
  • DD-4611 Copying reports with hidden graph elements works seamlessly
  • DD-4624 Codebook script: Underscores (_) are not treated as placeholders
  • DD-4625 Value of calculation variable displayed in dashboard dropdown menu