Version 2023.2.149 released


  • DD-4264 Data Sources – Number of columns now also shown for Exasol
  • DD-4421 Dropdown filter UI improved: variables and values are only loaded when necessary
  • DD-4431 The edit button of text boxes is always accessible
  • DD-4434 Circles in timeline charts are filled with the same color as the stroke
  • DD-4437 Mouseover values are rounded correctly (timeline and polarity charts)


  • DD-4317 Simplified data import preview
  • DD-4404 Handling of colors in the chart settings improved (colorschemes can be applied to charts and selected colors applied to all values)
  • DD-4424 Search function in the navigation bar improved: search now displays filters or questions depending on selection, „enter“ triggers a search, no waiting time between typing characters
  • DD-4425 In an access profile, export options (pptx, pdf, excel, etc.) of charts/dashboards can be defined for each format individually
  • DD-4429 Viewers cannot edit the title/subtitle of a dashboard anymore