Version 2023.2.150 released – Highlights: Recodes can be run automatically upon upload, bar & column charts can be animated

New Feature

  • DD-4426 Bar and Column Charts (also 100% stacked) have now the option to be animated


  • DD-4306 „Show question“ is hidden if complete question is visible
  • DD-4432 Full screen mode: navigation between tabs works again
  • DD-4450 Bug fixed: Usage stats and start page load information again
  • DD-4452 Header section in the report settings is now creating a custom header section for the corresponding report
  • DD-4454 Stylesheets in the report settings are applied to the report again


  • DD-4439 It is now possible to run saved recodes automatically upon data upload (option „run recodes“)

Version 2023.2.149 released


  • DD-4264 Data Sources – Number of columns now also shown for Exasol
  • DD-4421 Dropdown filter UI improved: variables and values are only loaded when necessary
  • DD-4431 The edit button of text boxes is always accessible
  • DD-4434 Circles in timeline charts are filled with the same color as the stroke
  • DD-4437 Mouseover values are rounded correctly (timeline and polarity charts)


  • DD-4317 Simplified data import preview
  • DD-4404 Handling of colors in the chart settings improved (colorschemes can be applied to charts and selected colors applied to all values)
  • DD-4424 Search function in the navigation bar improved: search now displays filters or questions depending on selection, „enter“ triggers a search, no waiting time between typing characters
  • DD-4425 In an access profile, export options (pptx, pdf, excel, etc.) of charts/dashboards can be defined for each format individually
  • DD-4429 Viewers cannot edit the title/subtitle of a dashboard anymore

Version 2023.2.148 released

New Feature

  • DD-4188 Chart settings improvement: option to display/hide axis and labels in charts independently
  • DD-4396 Data of existing charts can be changed after having created a chart (while keeping filter and other settings)
  • DD-4411 It is now possible to activate the option „Show all data“ in the chart settings of bar charts. This displays an „Show all data“ button in the chart if entries are limited to TOPx – clicking it shows all available entries


  • DD-4366 Wordclouds now use amcharts (chart settings carry over and are extended)
  • DD-4410 Bug fixed: Sorting by characteristic in charts with benchmark filters works
  • DD-4413 Vertical funnel chart saves metric „percent“
  • DD-4419 Dashboards can be moved to different reports


  • DD-4417 The base data table in a project can be renamed
  • DD-4208 Waterfall charts improved: possibility to filter the chart, case numbers available

Version 2023.2.147 released

New Feature

  • DD-4149 GUI for dropdown filters in the report settings implemented
  • DD-4252 JSON validator has been implemented for all JSON code fields
  • DD-4394 Project-backend: data source and data table operations implemented and improved
  • DD-4397 New dashboard editing mode „Free positioning“: Elements can be placed on the screen flexibly and rotation of charts is possible
  • DD-4401 One dashboard can be set as project starting page (as alternative to designing it in HTML)


  • DD-4376 Polarity chart improvement: sorting does not change order of items in legend
  • DD-4395 Css for dashboard header: class = „pull-right“ is now „float-right“


  • DD-4312 Project backend improvement: Unnecessary „Cancel“ buttons removed for clarity
  • DD-4386 Backend: option to clone projects with/without data renamed for clarity
  • DD-4406 KPI chart improved: filters for comparison, different components of the chart can be displayed or hidden, font size can be adjusted in the chart settings
  • DD-4407 Number charts improved: selecting TOPx works properly and font sizes can be adjusted
  • DD-4409 Textboxes with SQL formulas retain „<“ and „>“ correctly (they are not converted into &lt; or &gt;)

Version 2023.2.146 released


  • DD-4353 Bar Chart footer: n of cases displayed when axis swiched
  • DD-4354 Am4 bar/column charts: hide empty values setting added
  • DD-4373 Custom filters now working if custom_no_filter exceptions are set in chart settings
  • DD-4374 API test and fix
  • DD-4383 % in mouseover are now displayed for stacked column/bar charts
  • DD-4385 Export of 100% stacked bars / columns is identically scaled to 100% in Excel export


  • DD-4222 Improve tests
  • DD-4300 Adjust error message in DataImport
  • DD-4302 Improve differences in bar charts
  • DD-4348 Explainer tour end: redirect to startpage
  • DD-4370 Adapt column names in Codebook-Export to match Online-assignment-wording
  • DD-4377 Generate Weights as job