Das Datalion Blog

Version 2023.2.147 released

New Feature

  • DD-4149 GUI for dropdown filters in the report settings implemented
  • DD-4252 JSON validator has been implemented for all JSON code fields
  • DD-4394 Project-backend: data source and data table operations implemented and improved
  • DD-4397 New dashboard editing mode „Free positioning“: Elements can be placed on the screen flexibly and rotation of charts is possible
  • DD-4401 One dashboard can be set as project starting page (as alternative to designing it in HTML)


  • DD-4376 Polarity chart improvement: sorting does not change order of items in legend
  • DD-4395 Css for dashboard header: class = „pull-right“ is now „float-right“


  • DD-4312 Project backend improvement: Unnecessary „Cancel“ buttons removed for clarity
  • DD-4386 Backend: option to clone projects with/without data renamed for clarity
  • DD-4406 KPI chart improved: filters for comparison, different components of the chart can be displayed or hidden, font size can be adjusted in the chart settings
  • DD-4407 Number charts improved: selecting TOPx works properly and font sizes can be adjusted
  • DD-4409 Textboxes with SQL formulas retain „<“ and „>“ correctly (they are not converted into &lt; or &gt;)

Version 2023.2.146 released


  • DD-4353 Bar Chart footer: n of cases displayed when axis swiched
  • DD-4354 Am4 bar/column charts: hide empty values setting added
  • DD-4373 Custom filters now working if custom_no_filter exceptions are set in chart settings
  • DD-4374 API test and fix
  • DD-4383 % in mouseover are now displayed for stacked column/bar charts
  • DD-4385 Export of 100% stacked bars / columns is identically scaled to 100% in Excel export


  • DD-4222 Improve tests
  • DD-4300 Adjust error message in DataImport
  • DD-4302 Improve differences in bar charts
  • DD-4348 Explainer tour end: redirect to startpage
  • DD-4370 Adapt column names in Codebook-Export to match Online-assignment-wording
  • DD-4377 Generate Weights as job

Version 2023.2.145 released

New Feature

  • DD-4341 Variables can now always have a filter by using filter: X in the settings column of the codebook
  • DD-4360 Values that are always displayed can be defined in the codebook under settings (a value will always be displayed even when top x are selected and the value does not appear in the top x)
  • DD-4363 Transparent backgrounds for chart footer, background, header, and border available; wordcloud uses default font and colorscheme, chartsettings popup working
  • DD-4364 Charts are loaded dynamically when visible
  • DD-4365 Sorting table by item and default sorting by item in tables without base column fixed


  • DD-4346 The layout of AmCharts4 bar charts has been improved
  • DD-4350 AmCharts4 based charts now can hide all options without throwing a JavaScript error
  • DD-4358 Codebook export now also exports the variable display column
  • DD-4362 Sorting a table without base does not use the right column
  • DD-4367 The display of the error pop up has been fixed.


  • DD-4301 Codebook upload: matching options between Excel and online codebook were improved
  • DD-4357 Support widget has been updated from ZENDESK to JIRA
  • DD-4361 The codebook export does not export dynamic labels anymore
  • DD-4372 After deleting a custom filter the navigation stays at myfilters

Version 2023.2.144 released

New Feature

– DD-4303 Deleting a codebook now can be done with deleting or keeping textboxes
– DD-4319 There’s an chart settings option to apply selected filters for instances with non-filtering custom filters


– DD-4274 The mouseover in timelines and polarity charts now displays the values with correct decimal precision
– DD-4283 Creating a table from a stacked chart with topboxes now works
– DD-4287 Short description texts can only be edited for measures in the dynamic codebook view
– DD-4316 Chart colors now apply correctly to amcharts4 charts on dashboards with a lot of charts
– DD-4320 Stacked bar with top box can now be displayed as polarity chart
– DD-4344 Tables made from topbox charts can now be sorted


– DD-4231 The user menu now has a „navigate to start page“ button from the backend
– DD-4244 In bar/column charts with topbox, the mouseover now displays the absolute value of the topbox
– DD-4318 The dropdown filter pagination now is aligned properly
– DD-4342 An unscaled stacked column chart is added to the chart types selection if not present

Version 2023.2.143 published – Optimization of differences in tables

Differences are now also calculated for sub columns in tables
Percent values in stacked diagrams are now calculated relative to the base when items have different bases

Selecting a not-available datasource shows a warning now
Differences in tables are now calculated the same way as in bar charts
Custom value labels are now only applied when apply custom labels is set to yes / word wrap can now be configured in chart settings

Version 2023.2.142 published – Optimizations

Dashboards in drag & drop view now display correct order of object on pages with many charts in different sizes
Clicking codebook edit buttons in the backend without selecting categories doesn’t throw an error anymore
Searching dropdown menus no longer needs closing the dropdown to submit

Clicking on a filter when the target group editor is opened does not return to the start page anymore

Version 2023.2.141 veröffentlicht – Differenzanzeige zwischen Filtern in Balken-/Säulendiagrammen

Die neue Version 2023.2.141 ist da! Folgende neue Features finden Sie in der neuen
DataLion Version:

– In Balken- und Säulendiagrammen können nun Differenzen zwischen Filtern eingeblendet werden.
– Der Datepicker wurde optimiert.
Import und Export
– Im Codebook-Export ist nun die Spalte „Variable Display“ vorhanden.