Dashboards for Market Research – Part 2: Integrating Different Data Sets and Timelines

Dashboard software for market researchers – Part 2

Check the Part 1 – Dashboards for Market Research of the series here: Part 1 – Data
DataLion is designed as a market research dashboard software for market researchers. This is certainly because of our professional background in the industry. We want to shed light on the topic of “Dashboards for Market Research” from different perspectives in a series of blog posts. After our first article: Dashboards for Market Research – Part 1: Data, in the second part of the series “Dashboards for Market Research” we want to take a look at the challenges that arise from combining different studies within one project – especially concerning timelines.

Timeline KPI dashboard
Background vector created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com
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DataLion nominated for I-COM 2017 data startup competition

Data Startup challenge: I-COM global summit

data startup I-com data science hackathon 2017

The international marketing and data community will meet in Porto at the I-COM global summit “Data 2017 – the year of change” from April 24 to 27. We’re very proud that we’ve been nominated by the very high-quality jury as one of the 10 finalists for the official selection of the Data Startup Competition. Continue reading “DataLion nominated for I-COM 2017 data startup competition”